I'm nearly ready for School

Today Oscar had his final settling in session for school and it wasn't as stressful as the last time we had to do this with Ethan.

Ethan's School Preparation

I think what helped the most is that Oscar has been doing two hours a week at school since September in a new pre school so he isn't phased by the environment. We went to school just before his start time of 1:30, he already knew half of the people he would be spending the next hour with so rather than clinging on to me worrying that I was going to be leaving he was playing in the school reception with his friends from pre school and nursery.

His new teacher came to greet us and asked the children to get their grown up so we could all head down to reception class where we would be leaving them for the next hour. Oscar didn't even give me a second glance and just wandered off to the reception class with his friends.

Unlike Ethan Oscar just gets stuck in to whatever situation he is in. I do expect tears at some point when he realises in  September he actually has to go to school everyday but know that he will settle in well.

As today was a rare moment where I just had Oscar and we had a few hours just me and him. I decided to take him on his first ever trip to the cinema. I feel a little bad that he has never been before but he is the child to take advantage of me being busy with one of his siblings and make a run for it. So this seemed the perfect time.

Also I really wanted to see Toy Story 4. He was loads better in the cinema than I expected. He was sat down and quiet for most of the film and luckily there were only four other people in our screening if things hadn't gone that well. He shouted out a couple of times but it was just because he was excited, "Look mummy its Forky'

He only has a couple of official weeks left at pre school now and they are all very busy. He has his graduation and leavers party. He is staying in nursery over the summer holidays and I'm excepting him to get frustrated with having to go knowing he is ready for school.


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