I'm Stephanie, I'm nearly 30, a wife to my husband Stephen and mummy to my three little jellyfish Ethan, Oscar and Alice.
I live in the North West of England and I have worked in the energy industry for the last 11 years only taking time off in recent years to have our children. I dropped out of university back in 2006 and have been attempting to complete so form of computing degree ever since which I seem to be failing miserably at. I enjoy crafting and baking but with three children aged three and under its quite a task to find time to do this. My reason for creating this blog was to find a different kind of creative outlet for me to start feeling myself again while on maternity leave.
Me and my husband Stephen have actually been together for 12 years which seem really scary and we have been married for nearly 5. I have spent pretty much all of married life either pregnant or looking after a newborn.
Our Wedding Day - 2012 |
Now on to my three little jellyfish. Ethan is my eldest born in August 2013. We call him a baby giant he has been massive since he was born actually before then as he was my biggest baby bump. He is funny, clever, very sensitive and highly emotional. He just wants to be grown up, his daddy is his Best Pal and he loves being Daddy's Little Helper.
Baby Ethan
Oscar our 2nd born is a crazy wild little one. He took us totally by surprise by being tiny and we were not prepared for his arrival at all. He didn't want us to wait to meet him and my waters broke on my first day of maternity leave back in February 2015 and he has kept us on our toes ever since.
Baby Oscar |
Finally we have Alice our surprise miracle baby, She's just starting show her personality, she loves sleep but likes to make sure we know shes around when she is awake. With both boys loving her to bits I'm sure she'll be ruling the roost in no time.
Baby Alice |
Now we are muddling through life as a family of 5, Ethan is 3 1/2, Oscar will be 2 in a few days and Alice 5 months. I'd love to say that I'm a perfect mummy but I'm totally not I scream, shout, cry and hide in the kitchen or bathroom for a little longer than I need to sometimes. Life seems like total chaos 99% of the time and I wish for something a little calmer but this is just the way it is. I hope to give anyone that reads this an honest look at my life with 3 young children and even though it is crazy they are my world.
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